Sunday, June 21, 2020

Trump Calls the Cops on Praying Catholic School Teacher

Sheila Buck, a devoted Catholic school teacher, was attending the Trump rally in Tulsa, OK, with her ticket in hand.  The Trump campaign called the cops on her and had her forcibly removed from the rally site.  Ms. Buck was unarmed -- she didn't even have her Catholic schoolteacher ruler.  Police did not dispute she had a valid ticket for the event but told her they had been ordered to have her removed by the Trump campaign. Ms. Buck's sin it seems is that she was wearing a T-shirt with "I Can't Breathe" written on it.  

Prior to her arrest, Ms. Buck was quiet, orderly and in prayer.  Given that the Tulsa Auditorium was half empty for Trump's speech, there was plenty of room to admit Ms. Buck with her valid ticket.

Videotape confirms the facts of the situation.  It shows Buck sitting on the ground and praying while two Tulsa Police Department officers stood by, along with a Trump campaign official. Buck told them, “This is my country. This is my country. This is my city. I have tickets for this event. I have clothes on. I’m protected. What’s the problem?” Buck was wearing a black scarf wrapped around her head to cover her mouth and nose.  

The Trump campaign goon responded, “This is a private event.”  “I have tickets to your private event,” Buck said. “I’ve been invited and have a ticket."  “Yeah, well, my job with the campaign is to officially uninvite you,” the campaign goon answered her.
Ms. Buck is a respected citizen of the City of Tulsa and teaches at St. Mary's Catholic School.  

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