Saturday, August 1, 2020


Contrary to the Biden faith based outreached which has reached out to people of faith of all traditions, the Trump campaign has largely restricted its outreach to Protestants.  

During an event last week outside Atlanta hosted by the campaign’s faith based outreach effort, Protestant surrogates touted the president’s record on advancing devout conservatives’ priorities while casting Democrats as captive to an anti-religious agenda. Two speakers singled out restrictions on protecting human health imposed by California’s Democratic governor to help stem the spread of the virus, limits that prompted lawsuits from some Protestants but accepted and even exceeded by Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

White House faith adviser Paula White-Cain, a trice married, self-ordained minister of unclear belief on the Holy Trinity appealed to Protestants to trust the president over “a very deceptive media.” White-Cain, a fixture in Trump’s circle of white Protestant conservative advisers, asserted that Democratic presidential hopeful and lifelong Roman Catholic Joe Biden was helping liberals to silence people like her.

White-Cain’s appearance last week was her third in four days on behalf of Trump, after an online meeting with Protestant backers and a food distribution visit with presidential daughter and ex-Christian Ivanka Trump.

Richard Lee, founding minster at a Protestant congregation in Atlanta, told attendees at the Trump event that governors and mayors are “bossing the churches around … to see what you will do in case (Biden) gets in office and they can come after you” referring to public health standards accepted widely by Catholic and Orthodox Christians. 

Biden’s campaign has built a religious outreach effort of its own that’s seen as more robust than that of 2016’s Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. It is even hoping that his long history of personal faith will help him persuade some Christian conservative voters to abandon Trump.

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