Thursday, June 11, 2020

Trump Allies Himself with Disgraced Prelate Who Attacked Pope

Trump send out a tweet that he was "honored" to have received an "incredible" letter from disgraced Archbishop Carlo M. Vigano.  The unemployed Archbishop published an  open letter on  a right-wing website spouting deranged conspriracy theories almost as extreme as Trump. Vigano is a strident critic of Pope Francis, who he has called on to resign.  Vigano himself was removed from his last assignment as Nuncio to the United States and not given any further duties by the Catholic Church.  His physical location in unknown.  

Vigano has been a part of a long list of scandals and crack-pot actions.  He was accused of covering up allegations of sexual misconduct against Archbishop John C. Nienstedt, who was later fired as Archbishop of St. Paul in Minnesota.  An Italian Court forced him to repay over  €1.8 million that he had swindled from his own brother, also a priest. While robbing his own brother, Vigano was also collecting loot from West Virginia bishop Michael J. Bransfield, who later resigned following allegations of sexual and financial misconduct. 

Maybe his most infamous act was sneaking in Kim Davis to meet the Pope on his American pilgrimage.  Davis is a Kentucky Unitarian with an animus towards gay people. She used her civil position to deny marriage licenses to gay couples.  According to Pope Francis  "I didn't know who that woman was, and he snuck her in to say hello to me — and of course they made a whole publicity out of it."

But with all of Vigano's scandals, the idea of an American President openly identifying with a prelate on a campaign to get rid of the Pope is further indication of Trump's unworthiness for office and hostility to the Catholic Church.  

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