Sunday, May 17, 2020

Joe Biden's Vision for the Catholic Community - Part 4: Immigration

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Pursue a humane immigration policy that keeps families together, strengthens our economy, and secures our border: As vice president, Joe backed comprehensive immigration reform, and the Obama-Biden Administration took historic steps to create the DACA program so DREAMers could pursue their lives free from fear of deportation. Joe also led the administration’s work with Central America—securing $750 million to boost prosperity and security in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, easing the root causes of migration. As president, Joe will prioritize a comprehensive immigration reform to finally give 11 million undocumented immigrants a roadmap to citizenship. He’ll invest in smart technology at our ports of entry and streamline the asylum system, hiring more immigration judges. He’ll ensure those seeking refuge in the United States are treated with dignity and get the fair hearing they’re legally entitled to. Moreover, a Biden Administration will extend TPS to Venezuelans seeking relief from humanitarian crisis, and will immediately review and overturn every TPS decision made by the Trump Administration that does not appropriately consider the facts on the ground. 

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Boy Biden is yet another willing puppet of the Deep State that has "locked down" America with the Patriot Act, a piece of toxic legislation that has destroyed the very rights and freedoms that the American Blood Bath of 1776, [1st American Civil War, also called the Revolutionary War], was supposed to guarantee.

    Every Christian today is a follower of the creator of Christianity, Roman Emperor Constantine, and consequently they are all Constantine Christians. The only real Christians, ie: the Cathars who were taught by Jesus and Mary, were destroyed by the fake and violently destructive Constantine Christians from Rome.

    Constantine's Catholics matured into an international criminal organization that murdered and destroyed its way across Europe, before launching many waves of Christian terrorism against the New World. Christians terrorized the planet for 20 centuries with criminal Christian colonialism. Christianity has been an instrument of fear and hate, not love.

    Good students of history known that Roman emperors [Flavians] reinvented Jesus and Christianity when they wrote the gospels with the help of turncoat Hebrews like Pliny, and other authors who created a fake Jesus ministry in the 1st century.

    Christianity is an ancient form of spiritual domination based on fear, not ascension.

    Did the historic character Jesus really exist? The real Jesus, was an itinerant shaman who travelled the ancient trade routes settled by Hebrews all the way to Tibet, [Holger Kirsten's book, "Jesus Lived in India"]. There his presence and contributions were well documented by Tibetan monks. His work included many shamanic techniques to heal and teach, and it is ironic that Christianity is responsible for eradicating indigenous shaman around the world.
